The main goals and tasks of the department include:
The main goal of the Department of Education Control and Quality is to implement a Quality Management System in the activities of all IUKR units.
The tasks of the Department of Education Control and Quality include:
- Development and implementation of documentation and normative-methodical support for quality management at the university.
- Maintenance of the university's Quality Management System (QMS) in working condition.
- Regular conduct of planned and unplanned inspections of structural units, identification of discrepancies, and control of their elimination.
- Study of advanced domestic and foreign experience in the development and implementation of quality management systems.
- Development of proposals for optimizing educational and research processes (elimination of duplication of work, additional approvals, and other discrepancies in the work of structural units).
- Development of quality characteristics and indicators, methods of measurement and data collection.
- Coordination of the university's units in organizing and conducting monitoring of key performance indicators.
- Annual analysis of implemented and planned activities aimed at improving process quality.
- Development and coordination of quality-related documents.
- Conducting training seminars on quality for the faculty and staff of departments and structural units.
- Development of cooperation and establishment of business contacts with national and international educational and other institutions, organizations in the field of quality management and certification.Бөлүмдүн негизги максаттары жана милдеттери: